مستوى HSK 3
بينيين: huǒ
ترجمة: النار؛ الغضب؛ الانفعال
ابدأ الآن مجانًا我很喜欢吃火锅。 wǒ hěn xǐhuān chī huǒguō. I really like to eat hot pot.
火车误点了。 huǒchē wùdiǎnle. The train is delayed.
火车站在哪里? huǒchēzhàn zài nǎlǐ? Where is the train station?
我很喜欢吃火锅。 wǒ hěn xǐhuān chī huǒguō. I really like to eat hot pot.
火車誤點了。 huǒchē wùdiǎnle. The train is delayed.
火車站在哪裡? huǒchēzhàn zài nǎlǐ? Where is the train station?
炎 (yán) flame
热 (rè) heat
炎 (yán) flame
热 (rè) heat
水 (shuǐ) water
冰 (bīng) ice
水 (shuǐ) water
冰 (bīng) ice
The Chinese character 火 (huǒ) for "fire" is a pictograph that depicts a flame rising from a burning object. The character is composed of two parts: the upper part, 灬 (huǒ), represents the flames, while the lower part, 戈 (gē), represents the burning object. The character 火 has been used in Chinese writing for over 3,000 years and has remained largely unchanged in its form and meaning.The character 火 is also used in a number of other Chinese characters, including:炎 (yán) - "flames"焚 (fén) - "to burn"焦 (jiāo) - "to scorch"爆 (bào) - "to explode"The character 火 is also used in a number of Chinese idioms and proverbs, including:水火不容 (shuǐ huǒ bù róng) - "water and fire are incompatible"玩火自焚 (wán huǒ zì fén) - "to play with fire and get burned"星星之火,可以燎原 (xīngxīng zhī huǒ, kěyǐ liáoyuán) - "a single spark can start a prairie fire"The character 火 is a versatile and important character in Chinese writing, and it has a rich history and cultural significance.