HSK niveau 2
Pinyin: yǒu diǎnr
Oversættelse: en lille smule
Start nu gratis我有点头疼。 wǒ yǒu yīdiǎnr téngtóu. I have a bit of a headache.
这本书有点儿难。 zhè běn shū yǒu yīdiǎnr nán. This book is a bit difficult.
他有点儿帅。 tā yǒu yīdiǎnr shuài. He is a bit handsome.
稍微 (shāowéi) slightly
有点儿 (yǒudiǎnr) a bit
The Chinese word 有点儿 (yǒudiǎnr) is a common phrase that means "a little bit" or "somewhat". It is composed of two characters: 有 (yǒu), which means "to have" or "to exist", and 点儿 (diǎnr), which means "a little bit" or "a drop". The character 点儿 is a diminutive suffix that is often used to indicate a small amount or degree of something. In the case of 有点儿, the combination of the two characters suggests the idea of having a small amount of something or experiencing something to a limited extent.The phrase 有点儿 is versatile and can be used in a variety of contexts to express different shades of meaning. For example, it can be used to describe the intensity of a feeling or emotion, the degree of a certain quality or characteristic, or the extent to which something is true or accurate. It can also be used to make polite requests or suggestions, or to express uncertainty or hesitation.Overall, 有点儿 is a useful and versatile phrase that can be used to add nuance and precision to your Chinese language skills. By understanding its etymology and usage, you can effectively communicate your thoughts and ideas in a variety of situations.