然后 from HSK Level 2 Vocabulary List


مستوى HSK 2

بينيين: rán hòu

ترجمة: وبعد ذلك؛ بعد ذلك


لوحة التعقب

حدد أهدافًا مخصصة، وتتبع التقدم باستخدام مخططات تفصيلية، وتصور الأحرف الصينية والمفردات التي أتقنتها لكل مستوى على لوحة التتبع.

ابدأ الآن مجانًا

wǒ chīle fàn, ránhòu qù sàn bù.
I ate and then went for a walk.

wǒ xǐwán zǎo, ránhòu shuìjiào.
I took a shower and then went to bed.

wǒ xiěwán zuòyè, ránhòu kàn diànshì.
I finished my homework and then watched TV.


接着 (jiēzhe)
then; next

然后 (ránhòu)
then; afterwards



最后 (zuìhòu)

أصل الكلمة والمكونات

The Chinese word 然后 (ránhòu) is composed of two characters: 然 (rán) and 后 (hòu). 然 is a conjunction that means "thus", "so", or "then". 后 is a noun that means "after", "later", or "behind". Together, 然后 means "and then", "afterwards", or "subsequently".The earliest known use of 然后 is in the Book of Songs, a collection of ancient Chinese poems that dates back to the 11th century BCE. In the Book of Songs, 然后 is used to connect two clauses or sentences that are related in time. For example, in the poem "Guanju", the line "关关雎鸠,在河之洲。窈窕淑女,君子好逑。求之不得,寤寐思服。悠哉悠哉,辗转反侧。参差荇菜,左右采之。窈窕淑女,琴瑟友之。参差荇菜,左右芼之。窈窕淑女,钟鼓乐之" uses 然后 to connect the two clauses "求之不得" and "寤寐思服". The first clause means "I cannot find her", and the second clause means "I think of her day and night". The use of 然后 in this line indicates that the speaker is thinking of the woman he cannot find day and night because he cannot find her.然后 is a common word in modern Chinese. It is used in both written and spoken language. It is also used in a variety of contexts, including formal and informal settings.