مستوى HSK 3
بينيين: zhǔn
ترجمة: اتبع؛ سمح؛ سمح؛ معيار
ابدأ الآن مجانًا我准时到了。 wǒ zhǔnshí dào le. I arrived on time.
他准许我这样做。 tā zhǔnxǔ wǒ zhèyàng zuò. He permitted me to do so.
这个计划已经获得批准。 zhège jìhuà yǐjīng huòdé pīzhǔn. This plan has been approved.
不准 (bù zhǔn) not allowed
不准确 (bù zhǔn què) inaccurate
The Chinese character 准 (zhǔn) is composed of two parts: the radical 氵(shuǐ), which represents water, and the phonetic component 屯 (tún), which is a simplified form of the character 屯 (tún), meaning "to station troops." The combination of these two components suggests the idea of "stopping the flow of water," which is why 准 is often used in the sense of "to approve" or "to permit."Another possible explanation for the etymology of 准 is that it is derived from the ancient Chinese word 準繩 (zhǔnchéng), which means "carpenter's line." This line was used to ensure that objects were straight and level, and so 准 came to be associated with the idea of "accuracy" or "precision."In modern Chinese, 准 is used in a variety of contexts. It can be used as a verb, meaning "to approve" or "to permit," or as an adjective, meaning "accurate" or "precise." It can also be used as a noun, meaning "a standard" or "a criterion."Here are some examples of how 准 is used in Chinese:* 准许 (zhǔnxǔ): to approve or permit* 准确 (zhǔnquè): accurate or precise* 标准 (biāozhǔn): a standard or criterion* 准时 (zhǔnshí): punctual or on timeThe character 准 is an important part of the Chinese language, and it has a rich history and etymology. By understanding the origins of this character, HSK learners can gain a deeper appreciation for the Chinese language and culture.