HSK niveau 1
Pinyin: chū
Oversættelse: at gå ud
Start nu gratis我出门了。 wǒ chū mén le. I'm leaving.
他出差了。 tā chū chāi le. He's on a business trip.
这本书出版了。 zhè běn shū chū bǎn le. This book has been published.
出产 (chūchǎn) produce
出现 (chūxiàn) appear
出版 (chūbǎn) publish
进 (jìn) enter
入 (rù) enter
The Chinese character 出 (chū) is composed of two parts: 歹 (dǎi) and 殳 (shū). 歹 originally meant "to stab" or "to kill", while 殳 was a pictograph of a weapon. Together, they form the character 出, which originally meant "to go out" or "to come out".The character 出 has a rich history and has been used in a variety of contexts over the centuries. In ancient times, it was often used in military contexts, such as "to attack" or "to invade". It was also used in religious contexts, such as "to ascend to heaven" or "to be born". In modern times, it is most commonly used in the sense of "to go out" or "to come out", but it can also be used in other senses, such as "to produce" or "to publish".The character 出 is also used in a number of idioms and proverbs. For example, the idiom 出类拔萃 (chū lèi bá cuì) means "to stand out from the crowd", while the proverb 出门看天色,进门看脸色 (chū mén kàn tiān sè, jìn mén kàn liǎn sè) means "look at the sky before you go out, and look at people's faces when you come in".The character 出 is a versatile and important character in the Chinese language. It has a rich history and is used in a variety of contexts. By understanding the etymology of this character, HSK learners can gain a deeper understanding of the Chinese language and culture.