HSK niveau 1
Pinyin: jué de
Oversættelse: at tænke; føle
Start nu gratis认为 (rèn wéi) think
觉得 (jué de) feel
感到 (gǎn dào) feel
认为 (rèn wéi) think
感到 (gǎn dào) feel
The Chinese word 觉得 (juédé) is a compound word consisting of two characters: 觉 (jué) and 得 (dé). The character 觉 originally meant "to wake up" or "to become aware of something". In modern Chinese, it is often used to refer to feelings, emotions, or perceptions. The character 得 originally meant "to obtain" or "to get". In modern Chinese, it is often used to express a sense of certainty or conviction.When these two characters are combined, the resulting word 觉得 takes on a meaning that is greater than the sum of its parts. It can be translated as "to feel", "to think", or "to believe". For example, the sentence 我觉得我很高兴 (wǒ juédé wǒ hěn gāoxìng) can be translated as "I feel very happy".The word 觉得 is a versatile word that can be used in a variety of contexts. It is an important word for HSK learners to master, as it is used frequently in everyday conversation.