HSK niveau 2
Pinyin: māo
Oversættelse: kat
Start nu gratis我家有一只猫。 wǒ jiā yǒu yī zhǐ māo. I have a cat at home.
猫喜欢吃鱼。 māo xǐhuān chī yú. Cats like to eat fish.
猫很可爱。 māo hěn kě'ài. Cats are very cute.
猫儿 (māo er) cat
猫咪 (māo mī) kitty
狗 (gǒu) dog
老鼠 (lǎoshǔ) mouse
The Chinese character 猫 (māo) for "cat" is a pictophonetic character, combining a phonetic component 喵 (miāo) and a semantic component 豸 (zhì), which represents animals with four legs. The phonetic component 喵 (miāo) is a simplified form of the character 苗 (miáo), which originally depicted a young plant sprouting from the ground. The semantic component 豸 (zhì) is a pictograph of a four-legged animal, possibly a deer or a dog.The combination of the phonetic component 喵 (miāo) and the semantic component 豸 (zhì) suggests that the character 猫 (māo) originally represented a small, four-legged animal that made a sound similar to "miāo". Over time, the character came to be used specifically for cats, likely due to their distinctive vocalizations and their association with hunting small rodents.The character 猫 (māo) has been used in Chinese writing for over 2,000 years and has remained largely unchanged in its form and meaning. It is a common character in modern Chinese and is used in a variety of contexts, including everyday conversation, literature, and poetry.