HSK niveau 6
Pinyin: yú
Oversættelse: (forholdsord)
Start nu gratis我于2020年毕业于北京大学。 wǒ yú 2020 nián bìyè yú běijīng dàxué. I graduated from Peking University in 2020.
他于1990年出生于上海。 tā yú 1990 nián chūshēng yú shànghǎi. He was born in Shanghai in 1990.
我于2015年开始学习中文。 wǒ yú 2015 nián kāishǐ xuéxí zhōngwén. I started learning Chinese in 2015.
在 (zài) at, in, on
对 (duì) to, towards, for
不 (bù) not
无 (wú) without
The Chinese character 于 (yú) is composed of two parts: 尸 (shī), which means "corpse" or "body," and 勿 (wù), which means "not." Together, these two parts create the meaning of "to stop" or "to cease." This is because, in ancient China, it was believed that when a person died, their body would stop moving and cease to function.The character 于 is also used in a number of other words and phrases, such as 于是 (yúshì), which means "therefore" or "as a result," and 由于 (yóuyú), which means "because of" or "due to." In these cases, the character 于 is used to express a relationship between two things or events.The character 于 is a common character in Chinese, and it is important for HSK learners to understand its meaning and usage. By understanding the etymology of this character, learners can gain a deeper understanding of its meaning and how it is used in different contexts.