HSK niveau 5
Pinyin: zèng
Oversættelse: give som gave; gave som gave
Start nu gratis他赠送给我一本书。 tā zèngsòng gěi wǒ yī běn shū. He gave me a book.
我赠送给他一幅画。 wǒ zèngsòng gěi tā yī fù huà. I gave him a painting.
他们赠送给我们一束花。 tāmen zèngsòng gěi wǒmen yī shù huā. They gave us a bouquet of flowers.
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The Chinese character 赠 (zèng) means "to give" or "to bestow." It is composed of two parts: the radical 亻(rén), which indicates that the character is related to a person, and the phonetic component 贈 (zèng), which gives the character its pronunciation.The original meaning of 赠 was "to give something to someone as a gift." Over time, the meaning of the character expanded to include "to bestow" and "to confer." Today, 赠 is used in a variety of contexts, including:* To give a gift to someone* To bestow an honor or award upon someone* To confer a title or rank upon someone赠 is a common character in Chinese, and it is used in a variety of words and phrases. Some examples include:* 赠品 (zèngpǐn): gift* 赠送 (zèngsòng): to give a gift* 赠予 (zèngyǔ): to bestow* 赠别 (zèngbié): to give a farewell gift赠 is a versatile character that can be used in a variety of ways. By understanding its etymology, you can better understand its meaning and use it correctly in your own writing and speaking.