HSK niveau 3
Pinyin: zhōng
Oversættelse: klokke; ur; ringe klokke; tid
Start nu gratis现在是几点钟了? xiànzài shì jǐ diǎn zhōng le? What time is it now?
我每天早上七点钟起床。 wǒ měitiān zǎoshang qī diǎn zhōng qǐchuáng. I get up at seven o'clock every morning.
钟表坏了。 zhōngbiǎo huàile. The clock is broken.
表 (biǎo) watch
钟表 (zhōngbiǎo) clock
轻 (qīng) light
小 (xiǎo) small
The Chinese character 钟 (zhōng) has a rich history and etymology. It is composed of two parts: the radical 金 (jīn), which represents metal, and the phonetic component 甬 (yǒng). The original meaning of 钟 was "a large bell made of metal". In ancient China, bells were used for various purposes, including signaling the time, announcing important events, and summoning people to gather.Over time, the meaning of 钟 expanded to include other types of clocks and timekeeping devices. In modern Chinese, 钟 is used to refer to any kind of clock or watch. It can also be used figuratively to mean "time" or "moment". For example, the phrase 一分一秒 (yī fēn yī miǎo) literally means "one minute, one second", but it is often used to express the idea of "every moment".The character 钟 is also used in other contexts. For example, it can be used as a surname, and it can also be found in the names of places and things. For example, the city of Zhongshan in Guangdong Province is named after the character 钟.The character 钟 is a versatile and important character in the Chinese language. It has a rich history and etymology, and it is used in a variety of contexts.