HSK niveau 6
Pinyin: zǒng jīng lǐ
Oversættelse: daglig leder
Start nu gratis总经理在办公室里工作。 zǒngjīlǐ zài bàngōngshì lǐ gōngzuò. The general manager is working in the office.
总经理正在开会。 zǒngjīlǐ zhèngzài kāihuì. The general manager is in a meeting.
总经理出差了。 zǒngjīlǐ chūchāi le. The general manager is on a business trip.
CEO (zǒngjīnglǐ) Chief Executive Officer
总经理 (zǒngjīnglǐ) General Manager
副总经理 (fù zǒngjīnglǐ) Deputy General Manager
总经理助理 (zǒngjīnglǐ zhùlǐ) Assistant General Manager
The Chinese word 总经理 (zǒngjīnglǐ) is a compound word consisting of three characters: 总 (zǒng), meaning "general" or "overall"; 463; (jīng), meaning "manager" or "director"; and 理 (lǐ), meaning "to manage" or "to administer". Together, these characters form the title of a senior management position, typically translated as "general manager" or "managing director".The term 总经理 is commonly used in business and corporate settings to refer to the highest-ranking executive in an organization, responsible for the overall management and operations of the company. It is often used interchangeably with other titles such as 首席执行官 (shǒuxí zhíxíngguān), which translates to "chief executive officer" (CEO).The character 总 (zǒng) carries the idea of "generality" or "totality", indicating that the general manager has overall responsibility and authority within the organization. The character 463; (jīng) refers to the role of managing or directing, while the character 理 (lǐ) emphasizes the administrative and organizational aspects of the position.In summary, the etymology of the Chinese word 总经理 reflects its meaning as a senior management title, encompassing the concepts of overall responsibility, management, and administration within an organization.