HSK-Niveau 3
Pinyin: yān
Übersetzung: rauchen; Tabak; durch Rauch gereizt werden
Jetzt kostenlos starten吸烟有害健康。 xī yān yǒu hài jiànkāng. Smoking is harmful to health.
这里禁止吸烟。 zhèlǐ jìnzhǐ xī yān. Smoking is prohibited here.
我喜欢抽烟。 wǒ xǐhuān chōu yān. I like smoking.
香烟 (xiāng yān) cigarette
烟雾 (yān wù) smoke
火 (huǒ) fire
水 (shuǐ) water
The Chinese character 烟 (yān) for "smoke" is composed of two parts: 火 (huǒ) for "fire" and 彡 (shān) for "hair". The character 烟 originally meant "smoke from a fire", and it was later extended to mean "smoke" in general. The character 烟 is also used in the names of many plants that produce smoke, such as tobacco (烟草) and opium (鸦片).The character 烟 is first attested in the oracle bone script of the Shang dynasty (c. 1600-1046 BC). In the oracle bone script, the character 烟 is depicted as a fire with smoke rising from it. The character 烟 is also found in the bronze script of the Western Zhou dynasty (c. 1046-771 BC). In the bronze script, the character 烟 is more stylized than in the oracle bone script, but it still retains the basic form of a fire with smoke rising from it.The character 烟 is one of the most common characters in the Chinese language. It is used in a wide variety of words and phrases, including:* 烟雾 (yānwù) - smoke* 烟囱 (yānchōng) - chimney* 烟花 (yānhuā) - fireworks* 烟草 (yāncǎo) - tobacco* 鸦片 (yāpiàn) - opium