依次 from HSK Level 6 Vocabulary List


HSK-Niveau 6

Pinyin: yī cì

Übersetzung: in der richtigen Reihenfolge; nacheinander


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Wǒmen yīcì jièshào yīxià zìjǐ.
Let's introduce ourselves one by one.

Yīcì páiduì, bùyào chāduì.
Line up in order, don't cut in line.

Yīcì wánchéng yǐxià rènwù.
Complete the following tasks in order.


按顺序 (àn shùn xù)
in order

依序 (yī xù)
in sequence


同时 (tóngshí)

一起 (yīqǐ)

Etymologie & Komponenten

The Chinese word 依次 (yī cì) means "in order" or "one by one". It is composed of two characters: 依 (yī), which means "to rely on" or "to follow", and 次 (cì), which means "time" or "order". Together, these two characters create the meaning of "following the order" or "doing things one by one".The word 依次 is often used in instructions or directions to indicate the order in which something should be done. For example, a recipe might say "依次加入盐、糖、醋" (yī cì jiā rù yán, táng, cù), which means "add salt, sugar, and vinegar in order". It can also be used to describe the order of events in a story or narrative. For example, a news article might say "依次发生了火灾、地震和洪水" (yī cì fā shēng le huǒ zài, dì zhèn hé hóng shuǐ), which means "a fire, an earthquake, and a flood occurred in that order".The word 依次 is a versatile word that can be used in a variety of contexts. It is an important word for HSK learners to know, as it is used frequently in both written and spoken Chinese.