HSK-Niveau 6
Pinyin: yì tí
Übersetzung: Thema; Diskussionsthema; zur Diskussion stehendes Thema
Jetzt kostenlos starten我们来讨论一下今天的议题。 wǒmen lái tǎolùn yīxià jīntiān de yìtí. Let's discuss today's topic.
这个议题很有意思。 zhège yìtí hěn yǒuyìsi. This topic is very interesting.
我们对这个议题进行了激烈的讨论。 wǒmen duì zhège yìtí jìnxíngle jīliè de tǎolùn. We had a heated discussion on this topic.
结论 (jié lùn) conclusion
决议 (jué yì) resolution
The Chinese word 议题 (yìtí) is composed of two characters: 议 (yì) and 题 (tí). The character 议 means "to discuss" or "to deliberate", while the character 题 means "topic" or "subject". Together, the two characters form the compound word 议题, which means "topic for discussion" or "agenda item".The word 议题 is commonly used in formal settings, such as meetings or conferences, to refer to the topics that will be discussed or debated. It can also be used in a more general sense to refer to any topic that is up for discussion or consideration.The etymology of the word 议题 can be traced back to the ancient Chinese language. The character 议 is derived from the oracle bone script, which was used in China during the Shang Dynasty (c. 1600-1046 BC). The original form of the character 议 depicted a person holding a staff and speaking, which symbolized the act of discussing or deliberating.The character 题 is also derived from the oracle bone script. The original form of the character 题 depicted a hand holding a brush, which symbolized the act of writing. Over time, the character 题 came to be used to refer to a topic or subject, as well as to the act of writing.The combination of the characters 议 and 题 to form the word 议题 is a natural extension of their individual meanings. The word 议题 captures the idea of a topic that is up for discussion or consideration, and it is a commonly used term in both formal and informal settings.