HSK-Niveau 6
Pinyin: yì xiǎng bù dào
Übersetzung: unerwartet; überraschend; aus heiterem Himmel; unvorhergesehen
Jetzt kostenlos starten这个结果真是意想不到。 zhège jiéguǒ zhēnshi yìbùdàoxiǎng. This result is really unexpected.
他突然出现,真是意想不到。 tā tūrán chūxiàn, zhēnshi yìbùdàoxiǎng. He suddenly appeared, which was really unexpected.
这件事的结果真是意想不到。 zhè jiàn shì de jiéguǒ zhēnshi yìbùdàoxiǎng. The outcome of this matter was really unexpected.
出乎意料 (chū hū yì liào) unexpected
始料不及 (shǐ liào bù jí) unforeseen
意料之中 (yìliào zhīzhōng) expected
预料之中 (yùliào zhīzhōng) anticipated
The Chinese word 意想不到 (yì bù dào xiǎng) is a compound of three characters. The first character, 意 (yì), means "thought" or "idea". The second character, 不 (bù), is a negation particle. The third character, 到 (dào), means "to arrive" or "to reach". The fourth character, 想 (xiǎng), means "to think" or "to imagine". Together, the four characters mean "something that one did not think of or imagine".This word is often used to describe something that is unexpected or surprising. For example, you might say 意想不到的事情发生了 (yì bù dào xiǎng de shì qíng fā shēng le) to describe something that happened that you did not expect.The word 意想不到 is also used to describe something that is difficult to imagine or believe. For example, you might say 意想不到的结果 (yì bù dào xiǎng de jié guǒ) to describe a result that is hard to believe.This word is a useful one to know, as it can be used to describe a variety of different situations. It is also a relatively easy word to remember, as it is made up of four common characters.