HSK-Niveau 4
Pinyin: yīng
Übersetzung: sollte; müsste; antworten; reagieren; versprechen
Jetzt kostenlos starten你应该早点告诉我。 nǐ yīnggāi zǎodiǎn gàosu wǒ. You should have told me earlier.
我们应该互相帮助。 wǒmen yīnggāi hùxiāng bāngzhù. We should help each other.
你应该对自己有信心。 nǐ yīnggāi duì zìjǐ yǒu xìnxīn. You should have confidence in yourself.
应当 (yīngdāng) should; ought to
应该 (yīnggāi) should; ought to
否 (fǒu) no
不 (bù) not
The Chinese character 应 (yīng) is composed of two parts: the radical 言 (yán), which means "speech" or "language," and the phonetic component 嬰 (yīng), which is a pictograph of a baby in swaddling clothes. The original meaning of 应 was "to respond to a call" or "to answer," which is related to the idea of a baby crying out to its mother. Over time, the meaning of 应 expanded to include the ideas of "should," "ought to," and "must."The character 应 is also used in the sense of "to correspond to" or "to be in accordance with." This meaning is derived from the idea of a baby responding to its mother's call. Just as a baby's cry corresponds to its mother's voice, so too does the character 应 correspond to the situation or context in which it is used.The character 应 is a versatile character that can be used in a variety of contexts. It is a common character in modern Chinese, and it is also found in many classical Chinese texts.