fēn liè
split; break up; tear
Zhōngguó zài 1949 nián fènliè chéng liǎng gè guójiā.
China was divided into two countries in 1949.
Tā de jiātíng zài jǐ nián qián fènliè le.
His family broke up a few years ago.
Zhège guójiā zhèngzài fènliè de biān yuán.
This country is on the brink of collapse.
分离 (fēnlì)
分裂 (fènliè)
统一 (tǒngyī)
团结 (tuánjié)
The Chinese word 分裂 (fēnliè) means "to split up" or "to divide". It is composed of two characters: 分 (fēn), which means "to divide" or "to separate", and 裂 (liè), which means "to tear" or "to split". The word 分裂 is often used to describe the process of a country or group breaking up into smaller parts. For example, the Chinese Civil War (1927-1949) resulted in the分裂 of China into two separate countries: the People's Republic of China and the Republic of China (Taiwan).The word 分裂 can also be used in a more general sense to describe the process of something breaking up or coming apart. For example, a relationship can 分裂 if the two people involved no longer have anything in common. Similarly, a company can 分裂 if it becomes too big and unwieldy to manage effectively.The word 分裂 is a powerful word that can be used to describe a variety of different situations. It is a reminder that even the strongest things can eventually break apart.
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