
fú lì

(material) welfare

HSK Level 5

Example Sentences


Zhège gōngsī gěi yuángōng de fú lì hěn hǎo.

This company provides great benefits to its employees.


Zhèngfǔ tígōngle hěn duō fú lì zhèngcè.

The government has provided many welfare policies.


Fú lì yuàn shōuliǎole nàxiē wú jiā kě guī de rén.

The welfare home takes in those who are homeless.


福利待遇 (fú lì dài yù)

welfare treatment

社会福利 (shè huì fú lì)

social welfare


祸害 (huòhài)


灾难 (zāinàn)


Etymology & Components

The Chinese word 福利 (fúlì) is composed of two characters: 福 (fú), meaning "happiness" or "good fortune," and 利 (lì), meaning "benefit" or "advantage." Together, these characters form the compound word 福利, which can be translated as "welfare" or "benefits."The word 福利 has a long history in the Chinese language, dating back to the Han Dynasty (206 BCE - 220 CE). During this time, the word was used to refer to the benefits that were provided to government officials and their families. Over time, the meaning of the word expanded to include any type of benefit that was provided to people in need, such as food, shelter, and medical care.Today, the word 福利 is still used in China to refer to welfare benefits, but it is also used in a broader sense to refer to any type of benefit that is provided to people, such as employee benefits, social security, and unemployment benefits. The word 福利 is also used in other Chinese-speaking countries and regions, such as Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Singapore.

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