jī qíng
intense emotion; fervour; passion
tā shì yī gè chōngmǎn jīqíng de rén.
He is a passionate person.
tā duì gōngzuò chōngmǎn jīqíng.
She is passionate about her work.
tāmen duì shēnghuó chōngmǎn jīqíng.
They are passionate about life.
热忱 (rèchén)
热情 (rèqíng)
冷静 (lěngjìng)
理智 (zhǐlì)
The Chinese word 激情 (jīqíng) is composed of two characters: 激 (jī), meaning "to stimulate" or "to excite", and 情 (qíng), meaning "feeling" or "emotion". Together, these characters form the compound word 激情, which can be translated as "passion", "enthusiasm", or "excitement".The character 激 (jī) is derived from the oracle bone script, which depicts a hand holding a whip. This character was originally used to represent the act of whipping or beating, but over time it came to be used more broadly to mean "to stimulate" or "to excite". The character 情 (qíng) is also derived from the oracle bone script, and it originally depicted a heart with a mouth. This character was used to represent the emotions and feelings of the heart, and it has retained this meaning in modern Chinese.The compound word 激情 (jīqíng) is first recorded in the Han dynasty (206 BC - 220 AD), and it has been used continuously in Chinese ever since. It is a common word in modern Chinese, and it can be used in a variety of contexts to express the feelings of passion, enthusiasm, or excitement.
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