
lián xiǎng

associate; connect in the mind

HSK Level 5

Example Sentences


liánxiǎng diànnǎo hěn shòu huānyíng.

Lenovo computers are very popular.


liánxiǎng jítuán shì yījiā quánqiú zhīmíng de kējì gōngsī.

Lenovo Group is a world-renowned technology company.


liánxiǎng shǒujī de xìngjiàbǐ hěn gāo.

Lenovo mobile phones have a high price-performance ratio.


联想 (liánxiǎng)


想象 (xiǎngxiàng)



分离 (fēnlí)


分解 (fēnjiě)


Etymology & Components

The Chinese word 联想 (liánxiǎng) is a compound word consisting of two characters: 联 (lián) and 想 (xiǎng). The character 联 (lián) means "to connect" or "to associate", while the character 想 (xiǎng) means "to think" or "to imagine". Together, the two characters form the word 联想 (liánxiǎng), which means "to associate ideas" or "to think creatively".The word 联想 (liánxiǎng) is often used in the context of psychology and philosophy, where it refers to the process of connecting different ideas or concepts in order to generate new ideas or insights. It is also used in the context of computer science, where it refers to the process of using a computer to simulate the human process of associating ideas.The word 联想 (liánxiǎng) is a relatively new word in the Chinese language, having only been coined in the early 20th century. However, it has quickly become a widely used and important word, reflecting the increasing importance of creativity and innovation in modern society.

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