
nán dé

hard to come by; rare

HSK Level 5

Example Sentences


Nán dé jīn tiān tiān qì zhè me hǎo, wǒ men chū qù wán ba.

It's rare to have such good weather today, let's go out and play.


Nán dé nǐ jīn tiān yǒu kòng, wǒ men yī qǐ chī ge fàn ba.

It's rare that you're free today, let's have a meal together.


Nán dé nǐ zhè me yǒu xīn, wǒ zhēn de hěn gǎn dòng.

It's rare that you're so thoughtful, I'm really touched.


稀有 (xī yǒu)


罕见 (hǎn jiàn)



容易 (róngyì)


简单 (jiǎndān)


Etymology & Components

The Chinese word 难得 (nán dé) is composed of two characters: 难 (nán), meaning "difficult" or "hard", and 得 (dé), meaning "to obtain" or "to get". Together, they form the compound word 难得, which literally means "difficult to obtain" or "hard to get". In a figurative sense, 难得 can also mean "rare" or "uncommon", and it is often used to express the idea of something being precious or valuable because of its scarcity. For example, a person might say 难得一见 (nán dé yī jiàn), meaning "rarely seen" or "a rare sight", to describe something that they have not seen very often or that is not commonly encountered. The word 难得 can also be used in a more general sense to mean "difficult" or "challenging", as in the phrase 难得的事情 (nán dé de shì qíng), meaning "a difficult task" or "a challenging situation".

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