fàng dà
amplifier; grossir; amplifier; agrandir
Qǐng bǎ túpiàn fàngdà yīdiǎn.
Please enlarge the picture a bit.
Zhège fàngdàjìng zhēn hǎoyòng.
This magnifying glass is really useful.
Fàngdàjìng kěyǐ bǎ xiǎo dōngxi kàn dé gèng qīngchǔ.
A magnifying glass can make small things look clearer.
缩小 (suōxiǎo)
减少 (jiǎnshǎo)
The Chinese word 放大 (fàngdà) is composed of two characters: 放 (fàng) and 大 (dà). The character 放 originally meant "to let go" or "to release", and it is often used in the sense of "to put" or "to place". The character 大 means "big" or "great", and it is often used in the sense of "to enlarge" or "to magnify". When these two characters are combined, they form the word 放大, which means "to enlarge" or "to magnify".The word 放大 can be used in a variety of contexts. For example, it can be used to describe the process of enlarging a photograph or a map. It can also be used to describe the process of magnifying an object under a microscope. In addition, the word 放大 can be used in a figurative sense to describe the process of exaggerating or overstating something.The word 放大 is a common word in Chinese, and it is used in a variety of contexts. By understanding the etymology of this word, HSK learners can gain a deeper understanding of its meaning and usage.
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