

HSK Level 6

Exemples de phrases


xīyān yǒuhài fèibù jiànkāng.

Smoking is harmful to lung health.


fèijiéhé shì yī zhǒng chángjiàn de hūxīdào jíbìng.

Tuberculosis is a common respiratory disease.


fèi'ái shì shìjiè shàng zuì chángjiàn de áizhèng zhī yī.

Lung cancer is one of the most common cancers in the world.


肺脏 (fèizàng)

lung organ

肺叶 (fèiyè)

lung lobe


心脏 (xīn zàng)


肝脏 (gān zàng)


Étymologie et composants

The Chinese character 肺 (fèi) for "lung" is composed of two parts: the radical 肉 (ròu) for "meat" on the left, and the phonetic component 肺 (fèi) on the right. The radical 肉 indicates that the character is related to the human body, while the phonetic component 肺 provides the pronunciation.The original form of the character 肺 was 胬, which was a pictograph of a pair of lungs. Over time, the character evolved into its current form, which is a combination of the radical 肉 and the phonetic component 肺.The character 肺 is used in a variety of Chinese words related to the lungs, such as 肺部 (fèibù) for "lungs", 肺癌 (fèi'ái) for "lung cancer", and 肺结核 (fèijiéhé) for "tuberculosis". It is also used in some figurative expressions, such as 肺腑之言 (fèifǔ zhī yán) for "words from the bottom of one's heart".

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