
fú hào

caractère; signe; symbole

HSK Level 4

Exemples de phrases


Zhège fúhào shì shénme yìsi?

What does this symbol mean?


Qǐng zài fāngkuàng nèi shūrù yànzhèngmǎ.

Please enter the verification code in the box.


Zhèxiē fúhào dàibiǎo shénme?

What do these symbols represent?


标记 (biāo jì)


象征 (xiàng zhēng)



Étymologie et composants

The Chinese character 符号 (fúhào) is composed of two parts: 符 (fú) and 号 (hào). The character 符 originally meant "tally" or "token", and was used in ancient China as a form of identification or authorization. It was often made of wood or metal, and was split in half, with one half given to each of two parties who needed to verify each other's identity. The character 号 originally meant "signal" or "command", and was used to refer to a variety of signals, such as smoke signals, drumbeats, or flags. Over time, the two characters came to be used together to refer to any kind of symbol or code, and eventually took on the meaning of "symbol" or "sign".

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