
fù jiàn

pièce jointe; appendice; pièce jointe

HSK Level 5

Exemples de phrases


Qǐng bǎ fùjiàn fā gěi wǒ.

Please send me the attachment.


Zhège yóujiàn méiyǒu fùjiàn.

There is no attachment in this email.


Wǒ zhèngzài xiàzài fùjiàn.

I am downloading the attachment.



主体 (zhǔtǐ)

main body

正文 (zhèngwén)


Étymologie et composants

The Chinese word 附件 (fùjiàn) for "attachment" is composed of two characters: 附 (fù) and 件 (jiàn). The character 附 (fù) means "to attach" or "to adhere to," while the character 件 (jiàn) means "a piece" or "an item." Together, these two characters form the word 附件 (fùjiàn), which literally means "attached item" or "accompanying document." This term is commonly used in the context of electronic communication and refers to a file or document that is sent along with an email or other electronic message.

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