gān shè
interférer; intervenir; s'immiscer
Bùyào gānshè wǒ de shēnghuó.
Don't interfere in my life.
Zhèngfǔ gānshè jīngjì.
The government intervenes in the economy.
Tā gānshè le wǒmen de jìhuà.
He interfered with our plans.
不干涉 (bù gān shè)
放任 (fàng rèn)
The Chinese word 干涉 (gān shè) is composed of two characters: 干 (gān) and 涉 (shè). The character 干 (gān) originally meant "shield" or "spear", and later extended to mean "to do", "to act", or "to interfere". The character 涉 (shè) originally meant "to cross a river", and later extended to mean "to involve", "to participate", or "to interfere". When combined, the two characters 干涉 (gān shè) literally mean "to do something that involves or interferes with something else". In modern Chinese, 干涉 (gān shè) is used as a verb meaning "to interfere", "to intervene", or "to meddle". For example, the sentence 中国政府干涉了香港的内部事务 (Zhōngguó zhèngfǔ gān shè le xiānggǎng de nèibù shìwù) means "The Chinese government interfered in Hong Kong's internal affairs".
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