gāo cháo
marée haute; point culminant
diànyǐng de gāocháo bùfèn fēicháng jīngcǎi.
The climax of the movie is very exciting.
tā yǎnjiǎng de gāocháo bùfèn yíngdéle guānzhòng de rèliè zhǎngshēng.
The climax of his speech won warm applause from the audience.
zhè chǎng bǐsài de gāocháo bùfèn shì zuìhòu shí fēnzhōng.
The climax of the game was the last ten minutes.
高潮 (gāo cháo)
颠峰 (diān fēng)
低潮 (dī cháo)
low tide
平静 (píng jìng)
The Chinese word 高潮 (gāocháo) is composed of two characters: 高 (gāo), meaning "high," and 潮 (cháo), meaning "tide." Together, they literally mean "high tide." In figurative usage, 高潮 refers to the climax or peak of something, such as a story, a performance, or an experience.The term 高潮 was first used in the 19th century to describe the climax of a play or novel. It was borrowed from the Japanese word kōchō, which in turn was derived from the Chinese characters 高潮. In the early 20th century, 高潮 began to be used more broadly to refer to the climax of any kind of experience, including sexual experiences.Today, 高潮 is a common word in Chinese. It is used in both formal and informal contexts, and it is understood by people of all ages and backgrounds.
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