
gǒng gù

consolider; renforcer; solidifier

HSK Level 6

Exemples de phrases


Wǒmen bìxū gǒnggù wǒmen de yǒuyì.

We must strengthen our friendship.


Tā zhèngzài gǒnggù tā de quánlì.

He is consolidating his power.


Zhège guójiā zhèngzài gǒnggù qí jīngjì.

The country is consolidating its economy.



松动 (sōng dòng)


不稳定 (bù wěn dìng)


Étymologie et composants

The Chinese character 巩固 (gǒnggù) is composed of two parts: 巩 (gǒng) and 固 (gù). The character 巩 originally meant "to build a city wall" or "to fortify", and it is often used in the context of strengthening or consolidating something. The character 固 means "firm" or "solid", and it is often used to describe something that is stable or unchanging. When these two characters are combined, they form the word 巩固, which means "to consolidate" or "to strengthen". This word can be used in a variety of contexts, such as politics, economics, and military affairs. For example, in the context of politics, 巩固 can be used to describe the process of strengthening a government or a political system. In the context of economics, 巩固 can be used to describe the process of strengthening a currency or an economy. In the context of military affairs, 巩固 can be used to describe the process of strengthening a military force or a defense system.

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