guǎng kuò
vaste; spacieux; expansif
狭窄 (xiá zhǎi)
局限 (jú xiàn)
The Chinese character 广 (guǎng) means "wide" or "vast". It is composed of two parts: the radical 阜 (fù), which means "mound" or "hill", and the phonetic component 广 (guǎng), which is a simplified form of the character 广 (guǎng), which means "wide" or "extensive". The character 阔 (kuò) means "broad" or "spacious". It is composed of two parts: the radical 门 (mén), which means "door" or "gate", and the phonetic component 阔 (kuò), which is a simplified form of the character 阔 (kuò), which means "wide" or "extensive". The word 广阔 (guǎngkuò) is a compound of the characters 广 (guǎng) and 阔 (kuò). It means "vast" or "spacious".
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