guī huà
planification; programmation; projet
wǒ zhèngzài wèi wǒ de lǚxíng zuò guīhuà.
I am planning my trip.
zhège chéngshì de guīhuà hěn bùcuò.
The planning of this city is very good.
wǒmen zhèngzài guīhuà yīgè xīn de xiàngmù.
We are planning a new project.
无序 (wúxù)
混乱 (hùnlùan)
The Chinese word 规划 (guīhuà) is a compound word consisting of two characters: 规 (guī) and 划 (huà). The character 规 originally meant "compass" or "rule," and later came to mean "plan" or "regulation." The character 划 originally meant "to draw a line" or "to divide," and later came to mean "to plan" or "to arrange." Thus, the word 规划 literally means "to draw a plan" or "to make a plan." It is often used in the context of urban planning, economic planning, or project planning. For example, the phrase 城市规划 (chéngshì guīhuà) means "city planning," and the phrase 经济规划 (jīngjì guīhuà) means "economic planning."
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