
huà shí


HSK Level 5

Exemples de phrases


kǒnglóng de huàshí zài shìjiè gèdì dōu yǒu fāxiàn.

Dinosaur fossils have been found all over the world.


zhèxiē huàshí wèi wǒmen tígōngle kǒnglóng de shēnghuó xíxìng.

These fossils provide us with information about the life habits of dinosaurs.


huàshí shì yánjiū gǔdài shēngwù de zhòngyào zīliào.

Fossils are important materials for studying ancient organisms.


古生物化石 (gǔ shēng wù huà shí)

paleontological fossil

矿物化石 (kuàng wù huà shí)

mineral fossil


活体 (huó tǐ)

living body

生物 (shēng wù)


Étymologie et composants

The Chinese word "化石" (huàshí) for "fossil" is composed of two characters: "化" (huà) and "石" (shí). The character "化" means "change" or "transform", while the character "石" means "stone" or "rock". Together, the two characters "化石" literally mean "changed stone" or "transformed stone", referring to the process of organic matter being gradually replaced by minerals over time. This term accurately captures the essence of fossils as the preserved remains or traces of ancient organisms that have been transformed into stone-like substances through geological processes.

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