huó lì
vigueur; vitalité
tā hěn yǒu huólì.
He is very energetic.
zhège chéngshì chōngmǎn huólì.
This city is full of vitality.
wǒmen xūyào bǎochí huólì.
We need to stay energetic.
生机 (shēngjī)
vitality, vigor
精力 (jīnglì)
energy, strength
死气沉沉 (sǐ qì chén chén)
萎靡不振 (wěi mǐ bù zhèn)
The Chinese word 活力 (huólì) for "vitality" or "energy" is composed of two characters: 活 (huó) and 力 (lì). The character 活 originally meant "to move" or "to be alive", and it is often used in words related to life, activity, or movement. The character 力 means "strength" or "power", and it is often used in words related to physical or mental strength. Together, the two characters 活力 form a compound word that means "vitality", "energy", or "dynamism". This word is often used to describe the state of being full of life, energy, or vigor, or to refer to the ability to move or act with strength and energy.
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