jī gòu
mécanisme; organisation; institution
zhège jīgòu shì zuò shénme de?
What does this organization do?
wǒ zhèngzài wèi yījiā jīgòu gōngzuò.
I am working for an organization.
zhège jīgòu hěn yǒu yǐngxiǎnglì.
This organization is very influential.
组织 (zǔzhī)
单位 (dānwèi)
个人 (gè rén)
组织 (zǔ zhī)
The Chinese word 机构 (jī gòu) is a compound word consisting of two characters: 机 (jī) and 构 (gòu). The character 机 originally meant "trigger" or "mechanism", and later extended to mean "opportunity" or "chance". The character 构 originally meant "to build" or "to construct", and later extended to mean "structure" or "organization". When combined, the two characters 机构 form a word that literally means "an organization that seizes opportunities" or "a structure that creates opportunities". In modern Chinese, 机构 is used to refer to a wide range of organizations, including government agencies, businesses, and non-profit organizations.
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