
jiě chú

supprimer; se débarrasser de

HSK Level 5

Exemples de phrases


wǒ jiěchúle yǔ tā de hūnyuē.

I broke off the engagement with him.


zhèngfǔ jiěchúle duì gāi dìqū de fēngsùo.

The government lifted the blockade on the area.


tā jiěchúle duì wǒ de wùhuì.

He cleared up the misunderstanding about me.



建立 (jiàn lì)


实施 (shī shí)


Étymologie et composants

The Chinese word 解除 (jiěchú) is composed of two characters: 解 (jiě) and 除 (chú). The character 解 originally meant "to untie" or "to loosen", and later extended to mean "to solve" or "to resolve". The character 除 originally meant "to remove" or "to eliminate", and later extended to mean "to get rid of" or "to abolish". When combined, the two characters 解除 form a compound word that means "to remove" or "to eliminate". In the context of HSK, 解除 is often used to refer to the act of "canceling" or "terminating" something, such as a contract or an agreement.

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