
jìng sài

concours; compétition; course

HSK Level 5

Exemples de phrases



合作 (hézuò)


比赛 (bǐsài)


Étymologie et composants

The Chinese word 竞赛 (jìngsài) is composed of two characters: 竞 (jìng) and 赛 (sài). The character 竞 means "to compete" or "to strive for", while the character 赛 means "a contest" or "a competition". Together, the two characters form the word 竞赛, which means "competition" or "contest".The word 竞赛 has been used in Chinese for centuries. It is first recorded in the Han Dynasty (206 BC - 220 AD), when it was used to refer to competitions between athletes. Over time, the word has come to be used more broadly to refer to any type of competition, including academic competitions, business competitions, and sports competitions.The word 竞赛 is a common word in modern Chinese. It is used in both formal and informal settings, and it is understood by people of all ages. The word is also used in a variety of Chinese idioms and proverbs, such as "胜不骄败不馁" (shèng bù jiāo bài bù něi), which means "to be humble in victory and not discouraged in defeat".

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