
jú miàn

aspect; phase; situation

HSK Level 5

Exemples de phrases



混乱 (hún luàn)


无序 (wú xù)


Étymologie et composants

The Chinese word 局面 (júmiàn) is composed of two characters: 局 (jú) and 面 (miàn). 局 originally meant "a chessboard" or "a game of chess", and later extended to mean "a situation" or "a局面". 面 originally meant "face" or "surface", and later extended to mean "a side" or "an aspect". Thus, 局面 literally means "the chessboard and the pieces on it", and figuratively means "the overall situation" or "the state of affairs".The word 局面 is often used in a political or economic context to describe the current situation or the overall trend of development. For example, the phrase 经济局面 (jīngjì júmiàn) means "the economic situation", and the phrase 政治局面 (zhèngzhì júmiàn) means "the political situation".The word 局面 can also be used in a more general sense to describe the overall state of affairs in a particular field or area. For example, the phrase 教育局面 (jiàoyù júmiàn) means "the state of education", and the phrase 文化局面 (wénhuà júmiàn) means "the state of culture".In conclusion, the Chinese word 局面 is a versatile term that can be used to describe the overall situation or state of affairs in a variety of contexts.

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