liú tōng
Zhè běn shū zài shìchǎng shàng liútōng hěn guǎng.
This book is widely circulated in the market.
Zhè zhǒng huòbì zài guójì shàng liútōng.
This currency is circulated internationally.
Zhè xiē shāngpǐn zài guónèi liútōng.
These commodities are circulated domestically.
流通 (liútōng)
流转 (liúzhuǎn)
停滞 (tíngzhì)
阻塞 (zǔsè)
The Chinese word 流通 (liútōng) is composed of two characters: 流 (liú) and 通 (tōng). The character 流 originally meant "to flow" or "to circulate", and it is often used in the context of water or other fluids. The character 通 means "to pass through" or "to be connected", and it is often used in the context of transportation or communication. When these two characters are combined, they form the word 流通, which means "circulation" or "distribution". This word is often used in the context of economics or business, where it refers to the movement of goods and services from producers to consumers.
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