
míng é

quota (de personnes) ; [le nombre de personnes assignées ou autorisées]

HSK Level 6

Exemples de phrases


Zhège xuéxiào de zhāoshēng míng'è yǒuxiàn.

This school has a limited number of admissions.


Wǒ bàomíng cānjiāle zhège bǐsài, dànshì méiyǒu huòdé míng'è.

I signed up for this competition, but I didn't get a spot.


Zhège gōngsī de zhāopìn míng'è yǐjīng mǎnle.

This company's recruitment quota is already full.


名额 (míng'è)


名额 (míng'è)



空缺 (kōngquē)


缺额 (quē'é)


Étymologie et composants

The Chinese word 名额 (míng'è) is composed of two characters: 名 (míng), meaning "name," and 额 (è), meaning "quota" or "limit." Together, they form the compound word 名额, which refers to a specific number of available positions or opportunities.The character 名 (míng) has a rich history in Chinese culture. It was originally used to refer to a person's name, but over time it has come to be used in a wider sense to refer to anything that can be named or identified. For example, it can be used to refer to a person's reputation, status, or position.The character 额 (è) also has a long history in Chinese culture. It was originally used to refer to the forehead, but over time it has come to be used in a wider sense to refer to any limit or boundary. For example, it can be used to refer to the quota for a certain number of people or the limit for a certain amount of money.When the two characters 名 (míng) and 额 (è) are combined to form the compound word 名额 (míng'è), they create a new word that refers to a specific number of available positions or opportunities. For example, it can be used to refer to the number of available seats in a class or the number of available tickets for a concert.The word 名额 (míng'è) is commonly used in everyday Chinese conversation, as well as in official documents and announcements. It is an important word to know for anyone who wants to communicate effectively in Chinese.

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