míng yù
renommée; réputation; honorifique
Tā huòdéle nuòbēi wénxué jiǎng, zhè duì tā lái shuō shì yīgè jùdà de róngyù.
He won the Nobel Prize in Literature, which is a great honor for him.
Wèile wéihù zìjǐ de míngyù, tā juédìng qǐsù zàoyáozhě.
In order to protect his reputation, he decided to sue the rumor-monger.
Tā shì yīgè hěn yǒu míngyùgǎn de rén, jué bù huì zuò sǔnhài míngyù de shìqíng.
He is a man of great integrity and would never do anything to damage his reputation.
声誉 (shēngyù)
名声 (míngshēng)
耻辱 (chǐrǔ)
声名狼藉 (shēngmíng lángjì)
The Chinese word 名誉 (míngyù) is composed of two characters: 名 (míng) and 誉 (yù). The character 名 originally meant "name" or "reputation", and was often used in the sense of "fame" or "glory". The character 誉 originally meant "praise" or "commendation", and was often used in the sense of "honor" or "reputation". When combined, the two characters 名誉 (míngyù) took on the meaning of "reputation" or "honor", and was often used in the sense of "good name" or "prestige". In modern Chinese, the word 名誉 is still used in this sense, and is often used to refer to the reputation or honor of a person or organization.
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