
píng tǎn

uniforme; lisse; de niveau

HSK Level 5

Exemples de phrases


Zhè tiáo lù hěn píngtǎn, shìhé qí zìxíngchē.

This road is very flat, suitable for cycling.


Zhège dìfāng hěn píngtǎn, shìhé jiàn fángzi.

This place is very flat, suitable for building houses.


Tā de shēnghuó hěn píngtǎn, méiyǒu bōlán.

His life is very flat, without waves.



崎岖 (qī qū)


不平 (bù píng)


Étymologie et composants

The Chinese character 平坦 (píngtǎn) is composed of two characters: 平 (píng) and 坦 (tǎn). The character 平 originally meant "level ground" or "even surface", and it is often used in the sense of "peaceful" or "calm". The character 坦 originally meant "open" or "spacious", and it is often used in the sense of "frank" or "honest". When these two characters are combined, they create the word 平坦, which means "level" or "smooth". This word can be used to describe both physical objects (such as a flat surface) and abstract concepts (such as a peaceful situation).

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