
qīn mì


HSK Level 4

Exemples de phrases


wǒ hé wǒ de jiā rén hěn qīn mì.

My family and I are very close.


wǒ hé wǒ de péng yǒu hěn qīn mì.

My friends and I are very close.


wǒ hé wǒ de ài rén hěn qīn mì.

My lover and I are very close.



Étymologie et composants

The Chinese word 亲密 (qīn mì) for "intimacy" or "close relationship" is composed of two characters: 亲 (qīn) and 密 (mì). The character 亲 originally meant "relatives" or "family members", and it is composed of the radical 人 (rén) for "person" and the phonetic component 皃 (qīn). The character 密 originally meant "dense" or "close", and it is composed of the radical 糸 (mì) for "silk" and the phonetic component 密 (mì). When combined, the two characters 亲密 form a compound word that means "close relationship" or "intimacy". The word 亲密 can be used to describe a variety of close relationships, including those between family members, friends, and romantic partners.

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