
qíng jié

intrigue; histoire; détails d'une affaire

HSK Level 5

Exemples de phrases


故事 (gùshì)


情节 (qíngjié)



主线 (zhǔxiàn)

main plot

副线 (fùxiàn)


Étymologie et composants

The Chinese word 情节 (qíngjié) is composed of two characters: 情 (qíng), meaning "emotion" or "feeling", and 节 (jié), meaning "section" or "segment". Together, these characters form the word 情节, which can be translated as "plot" or "storyline".The word 情节 is often used in the context of literature, film, or other forms of storytelling. It refers to the sequence of events that make up a story, and the way in which these events are connected to each other. A well-crafted 情节 can create suspense, excitement, and emotional engagement in the audience.In addition to its literal meaning, 情节 can also be used in a more figurative sense to refer to the emotional ups and downs of life. For example, someone might say that their life is full of 情节, meaning that it is full of drama and excitement.The word 情节 is a versatile and important part of the Chinese language. It can be used to describe a wide range of stories and experiences, and it can add depth and meaning to any conversation.

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